There will be a new year of 2008. I think that is so fast that I will have New Year. I feel that I only have little thing in this year. But, actually this night, I don’t want to talk about New Year. Since I want to talk what happens today.
I am so satisfied that all of my responsibilities and burdens. Every thing is over done. I was completed my responsibilities on media KPM, namely bulletin. I made some articles, I made it by myself. Even though I have some other school assignments, I had to do my jobs. Fortunately I can finish well. Even, I have to sacrifice my enjoyment. I do realize that every thing needs something to be sacrificed. And I did it.
Then, I did my final English presentation. I don’t prepare it well, because I have no attention on it. I was so lazy to think about it. So, yeah…you can guess that I don’t do it well. I forgot some sentences and explanations, and I got some difficulties in answering my friends’ questions. I don’t have comprehensive answers. That’s bad presentation. I don’t hope too much about it. I just let it be… In this semester I did not make any targets of score, because I realize that this semester does not give any lucky.
Then I had meeting with KPM members to discuss about layout of bulletin. I hope it will be finished soon. This is my first project of making bulletin. Last year, I joined nuansa kabar. It was two weekly newspapers. At that project, I only become a reporter and correspondent. I don’t involve in making it. But now, I am actively involved in making bulletin. I know how is the process that really requires long time. That was too tired.
In the afternoon, I talked to my friends about the condition of my friendship. Recently, our friendship is going to tend in bad condition. We are lack of communication, because we are so busy with our business and activities. We only concern to our problems, till We seldom to talk. Finally, we have misunderstanding. But, we are trying to solve our problem.
I do realize that my friendship is getting a problem, but unfortunately do not know about it, so I think that it maybe my sensitive sense. So I just let it gone. I never try to solve it. But, day by day, I feel something is going to be wrong. I feel uncomfortable on it until this problem impact my study. I have thought about it for several days. I also tried to consultant with my friends, but they only give some short advises. I feel better then.
I talked it clearly to my friends what I felt, I just told it. I did not think about others. Then we explained our conditions and we can understand it. We realize what was happened among us. Fortunately, our problem was solved well. I do hope that we will get better understanding tomorrow.
Oia, kemaren Q ketemu sama temen2 yang ngasih banyak inspirasi. Disaat persahabatanku sama temen2 deket ku lagi ada problem, Q mulai deket sama temen2 yang laen. Dan ternyata mereka punya banyak cerita yang mengagumkan yang banyak ngasih Q inspirasi. Mungkin selama ini, Q terlalu terpaku dalam duniaku, dimana Q terlena sama lingkunganQ yang boleh dibilang nyaman dan aman. maksudQ kecil sekali peluang untuk berkembang. Duh..Q bingung mo nulis dari mana, selain ceritanya sudah lama, mana banyak ide2 cerita lagi.
But I will try to tell it one by one. Kemarin Q ngobrol sama anak2 HI IC 2007, meskipun mereka termasuk anak baru, tapi mereka punya semangat penelitian yang tinggi. Mereka punya semangat untuk maju. Duh..jadi ngiri deh sama semangat mereka.
Trus, Q juga ngobrol sama nimas, temen sekelasku. Dia cewek yang tangguh, menurtku. Pengalaman nya di waktu kecil membuatnya jadi wanita yang tegar. Dia suka berdiskusi dan ngobrol tentang politik, filsafat, buku, sastra, dll. Kemaren Q maen ke kosnya. Kita ngobrol macem2. mulai dari masalah kuliah sampe masalah perkembangan diri selama kuliah. Kita juga ngobrol tentang masa depan, feminisme, agama, dll. Banyak ide2nya yang cemerlang membuat ku bersemangat untuk belajar lagi.
Terus, Q ngobrol sama Huda, mantan pimred nuansa kabar. Ternyata dia juga orang yang aktif dan rajin. Dia memandang masalah dari sisi yang positif. Dia mencoba mengambil hikmah dan manfaat dari setiap masalah. Contohnya pas bikin nuansa kabar kesulitan nyari layouter, otomatis dia sebagi pimred, dia harus responsible donk tentang penerbitan nuansa kabar. Dia jadi belajar layout secara otodidak. Akhirnya sekarang dia bisa menghisap madu dari racun yang terdahulu. Sekarang dia dapat job untuk layout sebuah majalah pariwisata. Keren…menurutQ.
Trus…what about me??? What I have done selama ini??? Duh…Q terlalu lama besenang2 hingga Q ngerasa ketinggalan.
Memang semester ini, Q Cuma sibuk urusan kuliah, sibuk ngerjain tugas dosen, belajar buat mid semester. Itu doank!!! Kadang klo lagi pusing, pas weekend, Q minjem vcd di rental dan Q nonton. Atau nggak Q baca buku. Trus what anything else I do???
Kemaren2 Q sibuk ngoordinir temen2 yang laen untuk nyusun buletin KPM edisi perdana. Q jadi coordinator divisi media dan informasi, so bikin buletin jd tugasQ. Trus, Q bikin beberapa artikel. Karena dah lama nggak nulis di nuansa kabar, rasanya agak susah untuk nulis lagi, jadi Q butuh waktu lama untuk nulis 1 artikel. Thanks God, akhirnya Q bisa ngerjain 5 artikel.sebenarnya Q ga mau ngehandle semua artikel, tapi gimana lag, temen2Q pada ga mau, dan akhirnya terpaksa Q harus handle it by self. Q sih ngambil sisi positifnya aja, klo sekarang Q berperan aktif dibalik pembuatran buletin, Q bakalan dapat pengalaman yang lebih dibanding teman2 lain yang ga mau ikut ngurusin. Yah..susah 2 dahulu..bersenang2 kemudian.
Senin, 24 Desember 2007
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