Senin, 24 Desember 2007
13 des 2007
Today, I went to galleria mall 2 update my antivirus. Fortunately I had it. Then I went to my campus, but that was not my luck. There was no class; even I had 2 in hurry in the street. Then I joined mandarin drop in center. We met zhai lao shi, then she gave me, a mandarin character. We practiced speaking good mandarin. Until we got many things. When I joined south East Asia class, I could not learn goodly. My thinking goes everywhere. I could not concentrate fully to my study. I thought my feeling about my friendship. Whether it is my fault or not? Whether I am good friend to them or not? So, I am lack of consciousness in the afternoon, it was rainy. And unfortunately I brought my notebook, so I was so afraid of it. I scare if there is something wrong on it. Finally, I could arrive safely. Hmm….then I read newspaper, and then checked my files about Russia. I plan to make a short paper about Vladimir Putin’s policy toward Islamic community in Russia. But, I guess, I should do it later. I have something to do, namely making a monthly bulletin. That is so hard for me. I think that it burden me, coz I guess I have a big responsibility on it, namely how to make a good bulletin and publish it. It means that it include making an article, layout it and edit it, and last print it. It requires long process. hmm…it’s so heavy for me. But, I will try to do it.
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