Senin, 24 Desember 2007

nov 20, 2007

Actually, I want to write a blog in my friendster, but it is usually in trouble. So, I think that it is better for me, to write it down all of my phenomena. Hehehe
Well, today, I have no class. My lecturers were all absent, that was so annoying.. I really want to study, but they are no came to the class. So, I’m only surfing to the internet to look for my sources in making my English research paper. Fortunately, I got many references.
Then in the afternoon, I ate with all of my classmates in the canteen while we are talking about Asia Pacific community or ASIC. It sounds little bit fun, but I think it is good for us to make any community to share our opinion and make any togetherness. Next Saturday, we will talk it later in deep analysis. Hehehe

Then, I joined KPM meeting, actually I was so lazy to join it. I had no attention on it, but I have no other choice. I got confuse, whether I join or not. Actually, I want only to glaze them, but coincidentally I join it. We discuss together what we will do for next time. What our plan is and other things that can we do together. Everything is gonna be all right. Until I back in the evening. Then I have to iron my aunt’s clothes. i try to continue my English paper. I’ll do it now!!!!

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