Sabtu, 29 Desember 2007

after visiting a fortune teller, i do introspection
this morning, i felt that i am so lucky person
i rethink what did i get?
i can get many things
in the beginning of my study, i got new motorcycle. so i can ride it to go to my campus
then now, i have new note book and new mobile phone
those things change my life style. i feel comfort on my activities now,,
my study r also getting easier than before
my thinking also change, i become an easy going person
many changing that i felt are the metamorphosis in my life
hopefully, next year i can do better for myself, my family, and for other people

Fortune teller

Do you believe in fortune teller? You might belive it or not. That’s up to you. Yang pasti tadi Q dateng ke satu stan di buuk fair yg diadain di GOR UNY, stan itu namanya stan fortune teller. Selain ngunjungi stan2 buku tentunya. Di stan tersebut, Q coba ngramal nasibQ dim as depan. Yang antre lumayan bnyak sih, so Q juga hrs sabar nunggunya. Akhirnya pas tiba giliranQ si peramal tsb, lihat garis tanganQ, trus dia langsung bilang”kenapa kamu g PD sama diri kamu sendiri?” Q jg rada kaget, kok tiba2 ngomong gitu. Trus Q bilang ja, “di keluargaQ bnyk orang2 sukses, jd Q ngrasa Q g bisa apa2”.
Peramal, “dimata saya, Qm pnya kemampuan lho”. “buktinya skrng kamu ada di dpn saya, Qm dah nglewatin masa2 SD, SMP, SMA, sampai skrng. Kamu sudah berhasil melampaui masa2 sulit”.
Dia jg bilang, ”Kamu lebih beruntung dibandingkan temen2 kamu kan?”
Q Cuma ngangguk aja
Peramal bilang lagi, “nasib kamu bagus. Coba kamu bandingin sama temen2 Qm, mereka ga bisa kuliah, mesti kerja demi keluarga”.
Q langsung inget sama temen2 SMA dulu, dimana mereka yang ngelanjutin kuliah Cuma beberapa persen ja, mungkin 25 % lah, yang 25% belajar di pondok pesantren, 25 % menikah, 25 % kerja serabutan plus nganggur.
Tapi Q jawab,” saya sering gagal”
Peramal bilang, “semua orang pernah gagal. Yang perlu kamu inget bukan kegagalan itu.”
Q ngerti maksud si peramal.
Dia bilang,”kamu masih dibayang2ngi sama masa lalu kamu, dan itu bikin kamu g bisa berkembang untuk saat ini, padahal kamu punya kemampuan untuk itu.”
Tapi, kamu g usah menyalahin keluarga kamu yang nuntut kamu seperti ini dan itu.
pikiranQ langsung flashback ke masa lalu. Q coba buat nginget2 masa itu.
Q Cuma ngaangguk2 ja, pertanda ngerti sama yang diomongin.
“yang mesti kamu ubah adalah pola piker kamu, sekarang memang keluarga kamu mandang “nyepelein” kamu. Tapi itu potret kamu sekarang. Mereka ga tau potret kamu 5 tahun mendatang kan? Kamu bisa sukses di masa mendatang.” Besok kalau kamu sudah kerja, kamu bisa nunjukin siapa diri kamu, kamu punya harga diri.
Q nanya, “besok kira2 Q kerja di bidang apa?”
“hmmm….(mikir panjang) wartawan? reporter? “
“Di bidang jurnalistik ya??? Q memang suka sama bidang itu.”
“iya, kamu tau minat kamu, dan kamu sudah merintisnya dari sekarang.”
Q Cuma bisa bilang Amien dalam hati. Smoga impianQ jadi reporter jadi kenyataan.
“Kira2 Q bisa dapet beasiswa ke luar negeri ga?” coz sekarang Q lagi nyoba masukin lamaran beasiswa,” kataQ
Peramalnya geleng2 kepala
“Kenapa ga nyoba beasiswa yang lokal2 aja, kayak Sampoerna, Jarum.”, jawabnya.
Tapi Q da kesempatan ke LN ga?
“ada sesudah kerja”
Trus klo soal jodoh gimana?
“kayaknya tahun depan masih belum. Soalnya tahun depan, Qm masih focus sama beasiswa dan kuliah. Ga da yang sempurna semuanya, Ga bisa dapet semuanya. Kamu focus kuliah, habis itu dapet kerja, dapet duit, nanti gampang lah soal itu.
“Hmmm…..gitu ya,” jawabQ sambil ngangguk.

Itulah hasil perckapanQ sama si fortune teller. Entah ramalannya nanti bakalan terjadi attau g, ya…Wallahhu A’lam lah. Semua Allah yang ngatur, Cuma semua yang diomongin, bisa Q jadiin panduan dan motivasi untuk satu tahun ke depan. At least, Q tau dikit2 lah what should I do.
Q jadi rada bersemangat nieh…buat ngejar long term career aspiration, namely to be journalist or reporter. Kanapa Q milih itu ya? Kenapa g kerja yang laen. Q juga gat au. Tapi dulu pas Q masih SD, Q pernah nonton film di TV waktu itu ada tayangan yang nampilin kisah seorang pembawa acara berita TV, judulnya anchor woman. Dia kerja di stasiun tv, tiap hari dia baca berita. Namun pas ada konflik, dia di pecat dari kerjaannya. Dia digantiin sama news presenter yg laen. Saat itulah, dia dapat job baru, masih tetap jadi presenter news, tapi g disebuah stasiun TV besar, tapi Cuma stasiun TV kabel. Diamana semua peralatannya serba sederhana, fasilitasnya jauh banget sama stasiun tv yg dulu. Tapi dia te2p mau kerja, dari pada jadi pengangguran pikirnya. Tapi dia jg punya rasa malu, gengsi donk, habis kerja distasiun tv gede, skrng malah kerja ditmpat yang kecil.
Namun justru disitulah inti ceritanya. Pas dia sedang liputan, ada sebuah kejadian yang menurutnya nilai beritanya kecil, sebuah lubang di jalan kecil, tapi dia tidak merduliin itu. Besoknya ada seekor anjing yang jatuh di lubang tadi. Langsung di turun kelapangan, ngiput kejadian itu, plus mereportase proses evakuasi anjing malang tsb. Dia begitu terharu ketika lihat proses tsb. Dia jadi sadar, hal2 yang dia anggap g pny nilai berita, ternyata penting buat masyarakat. Disitulah dia menemukan idealisme seorang reporter.

Terus ternyata tanpa sepengetahuan dia, temen kerja di stasiun tv kabel, ngirimin hasil liputan dia ke sebuah lomba. Pernah suatu ketika, waktu ada press conference dia meliput sama seorang kameramen. Kamera stasiun dia di dorong sama kameramen stasiun tv gede yang pernah dia kerja dulu. Dia g terima perlakuan diskriminasi, trus dia marah2 ke kameramen yg salah tadi. Dia ga terima klo stasiun tv besar ngremehin stasiun tv kabel. Akhirnya semua orang tau klo dia kerja di stasiun tv kabel yang kecil. Dia juga ngejelasin klo dia bangga kerja distasiun tv kecil, tapi punya nilai2 luhur n punya idealisme. G kayak stasiun tv gede tapi penuh nilai2 komersial.
Beberapa hari kemudiaan, hasil liputannya menang lomba. Trus bnyk media yg menyoroti kehebatannya. Akhirnya stasiun tv yg dulu mecat dia, minta dia kembali bekerja. Disitulah hatinya bimbang. dia bingung, klo dia nerima tawran itu, dpt dipastiin dia bakalan jadi produser acara news plus gaji gede n fasilitas yg menarik. Temen2nya di stasiun tv kabel pun support dia buat balik ke stasiun tv nya dulu. Dia mikir trs. Akhirnya dia milih te2p kerja di stasiun tv kabel.

Film yg Q tonton waktu SD, mampu menginspirasiQ sampe sekrng. Hhhmm….duh bentar lagi tahun baru, blom pny resolusi tahun baru nieh….piye dunk?????????

Kamis, 27 Desember 2007


kemaren Q ketemu sama temen lama, g lama2 banget sih. cuma lama g ketemu
trus kita ngobrol bnyk. n Q dpet banyak pelajaran dari dia
dia skrng dah maju forward ke depan
dah Q msh jauh tertinggal
dia bermetamorfosa lebih cepat.
kmrn2 dia udah bikin buku, sekarng mo nerbitin buku lg
selaen itu, dia jg nulis script buat dikirim ke stasiun tv.
duhh keren bgt.
dia bilang klo orang yg bisa nulis script tu dikit bgt, bahkan persaingannya nol persen.
disisi lain, stasiun tv sekarng lg berkembang pesat, dan tentunya butuh program acar y bnyk n menarik. disini lah script writer di butuhin. dia jg cerita cerita, pas trans tv buka lowongan, pelamar kerjanya bnyk bget. dan yg bener2 bisa nulis cuam 5 orang. dia liat situasi itu, makanya dia mencoba ngambil peluang itu.

Q jadi sadar, saat orang2 sibuk nyari kerja. dia sibuk ngasah kemampuan. jadi dengan keahliannya itu, dia coba ngambil peluang. dia jg berusaha tapi dengan kemampuan lebih diatas rata2. jd Qt g cuma berusaha nyari kerja, tp Qt juga harus berusaha ngasah kemampuan, bakat dan keahlian yg kita miliki. tanpa skill, Qt bakalan g dapet apa2. so, keep studying ya....

hari jum'at, 28 des 07

tadi malem, Q mimpi tentang masa depan. tp, detail mimpinya rahasia. hehehe
yg pasti rada aneh n lucu. g tau tu mimpi cuma bunga tidur ato pertanda.

tadi pagi Q kul East Asia, cuma topiknya kurang menarik. jadi pikiranku melayang2 deh..g ngedengerin dosen na. tadi Q jg ngobrol tentang rencana penelitian. temenQ punya ide bagus, cuma butuh sedikit tambahan. moga2 ja, ni proyek penelitian jalan. masalahnya, kemarin2 Q juga berminat buat bikin penelitian, tapi g da temen n lagi lack of idea. jd ya...g jadi2 penelitiannya.
sekarang untung da temen yang mau diajak penelitian.

semester ganjil ini, Q dapet apa aja ya dari kuliah?
kykna g dapet apa2 deh???
ato Q yg g mau berusaha??
coba Q flash back lagi ya........

kuliahQ bnyk yg kosong. dosennya sering g masuk kul n tiba2 bikin make up class, eh...ntar tiba2 g dateng lg. jadi klasnya sering kosong. pernah Q g da kuliah selama seminggu. soalnya dosen nya ga da yg datng. parah!!!!
blom lagi materi kuliah yang terlalu bnyk, tp g cukup waktunya buat ngebahas semua materi. jd bnyk materi menarik yang terlewatkan. bnyk isu2 di asia pasifik yang bisa kebahas secara comprehensif. kan sayang jadinya....hampir smua negara di asia psifik pny isu2 aktual. malaysia misalnya, dengan isu diskriminasi etnis india, china-taiwan relation, miliary regime di myanmar, pemilu di thailand, dll semua isu tersebut g bisa di explore secara maksimal.
trus bagaimana dengan mata kul pilihanQ. semuanya ga da beres. yg 1, dosennya jg sering g masuk, alasan ini lah, alasan itulah. intinya te2p g masuk. terus yg lain, dosennya sering msuk, tp penyampaian materinya g menarik. cuma dengerin ceramah. jadi bosen rasanya.
itu laporan kuliah semster ini.

trus how about ur organztion activities?
untungnya, Q dah mau nerbitin buletin KPM. tu buletin, edisi perdana nya, masih kurang begitu bagus, tapi lumayan lah buat permulaan. moga2 ja, edisi depan bisa lebih bagus.
trus, di nuansa blom da kegiatan yang berarti, soalnya da maslah internal yg blom selesai, jd kegiatan nuansa jg ikutan terganggu.

how is ur friendship?
kemarin sempet ada masalah juga, tp fortunately, smua na dah diselsaiin. kita udah ngobrol, floorin semua problem. and now, everything is allright.
hmm...yg kuingat cuma segini, ntar klo ada important thing lagi, ntar Q tulis lagi.

Senin, 24 Desember 2007

hari ni Q lagi online di galeria mall, tempat biasa untuk ngenet n nongkrong. padahal stiap kali disini blom tentu belanja. ya...untuk sekedar cuma mata n refreshing doank.
tadi malem Q n spupuQ minjem vcd lumayan bnyk, 7 vcd. rencana nya, Qt bakal ngabisin waktu buat nonton.abiz, minggu kemaren Q kerja rodi, ngerjain tugas2 kuliah plus ngurus bulletin. meski bulletinQ blom terbit, masih dalam tahap layout. hari rabu bsk, rencana kru buletin bakal ketemu lagi buat bahas proses akhir. n moga ja bs terbit secepatnya, na smua lancar.

bentar lagi tahun baru, Q blom ada ide mo ngapain. buat resolusi tahun baru pun belom. hmmm...liat entar lah. tiba2 ja, mungkin Q bisa dpt ilham dari langit, hehehe...
trus bisa bikin resolusi yg isinya hebat2.

23 des 07

I read a magazine, namely intisari. The subtitle is menjadi pemimpin. I am attracted in the first time I saw it in the IC administrator office. Then, I ask to administrator to borrow it. Finally, I got it. I really want to read all of the contents, but unfortunately I have no enough time to do it. I have to read other book, because we will discuss it in the classroom tomorrow. So, maybe other day I will have change to do what I want.
But, I get one ibrah from reading preface of intisari, namely the concept of kaizen. That is philosophi from Japanese people. The meaning is “melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan kecil yang kelihatan remeh namun berkesinambungan, terus menerus. Bobby DePorter n friends said in the book of Quantum Teaching (1999), the concept many Japanese live by: small, seemingly insignificant, continual and never ending improvements. (intisari, seri psikologi: menjadi pemimpin. Maret 2003, Jakarta: PT. intisari Mediatama).
Today is holiday, weekly holiday. Finally I can take bed rest for 2 hours. That is the record for me. Because I never sleep in the middle of day for such long time. I usually have many things to do. I feel the real holiday. Reading newspaper, sleeping a long day, and watching movie are my desire in the holiday. I got all of them. Now, I am ready to face all of days in the next week. I hope that I can enjoy my days.

Today is 22 des 07.

There will be a new year of 2008. I think that is so fast that I will have New Year. I feel that I only have little thing in this year. But, actually this night, I don’t want to talk about New Year. Since I want to talk what happens today.
I am so satisfied that all of my responsibilities and burdens. Every thing is over done. I was completed my responsibilities on media KPM, namely bulletin. I made some articles, I made it by myself. Even though I have some other school assignments, I had to do my jobs. Fortunately I can finish well. Even, I have to sacrifice my enjoyment. I do realize that every thing needs something to be sacrificed. And I did it.
Then, I did my final English presentation. I don’t prepare it well, because I have no attention on it. I was so lazy to think about it. So, yeah…you can guess that I don’t do it well. I forgot some sentences and explanations, and I got some difficulties in answering my friends’ questions. I don’t have comprehensive answers. That’s bad presentation. I don’t hope too much about it. I just let it be… In this semester I did not make any targets of score, because I realize that this semester does not give any lucky.
Then I had meeting with KPM members to discuss about layout of bulletin. I hope it will be finished soon. This is my first project of making bulletin. Last year, I joined nuansa kabar. It was two weekly newspapers. At that project, I only become a reporter and correspondent. I don’t involve in making it. But now, I am actively involved in making bulletin. I know how is the process that really requires long time. That was too tired.
In the afternoon, I talked to my friends about the condition of my friendship. Recently, our friendship is going to tend in bad condition. We are lack of communication, because we are so busy with our business and activities. We only concern to our problems, till We seldom to talk. Finally, we have misunderstanding. But, we are trying to solve our problem.
I do realize that my friendship is getting a problem, but unfortunately do not know about it, so I think that it maybe my sensitive sense. So I just let it gone. I never try to solve it. But, day by day, I feel something is going to be wrong. I feel uncomfortable on it until this problem impact my study. I have thought about it for several days. I also tried to consultant with my friends, but they only give some short advises. I feel better then.
I talked it clearly to my friends what I felt, I just told it. I did not think about others. Then we explained our conditions and we can understand it. We realize what was happened among us. Fortunately, our problem was solved well. I do hope that we will get better understanding tomorrow.
Oia, kemaren Q ketemu sama temen2 yang ngasih banyak inspirasi. Disaat persahabatanku sama temen2 deket ku lagi ada problem, Q mulai deket sama temen2 yang laen. Dan ternyata mereka punya banyak cerita yang mengagumkan yang banyak ngasih Q inspirasi. Mungkin selama ini, Q terlalu terpaku dalam duniaku, dimana Q terlena sama lingkunganQ yang boleh dibilang nyaman dan aman. maksudQ kecil sekali peluang untuk berkembang. Duh..Q bingung mo nulis dari mana, selain ceritanya sudah lama, mana banyak ide2 cerita lagi.
But I will try to tell it one by one. Kemarin Q ngobrol sama anak2 HI IC 2007, meskipun mereka termasuk anak baru, tapi mereka punya semangat penelitian yang tinggi. Mereka punya semangat untuk maju. Duh..jadi ngiri deh sama semangat mereka.
Trus, Q juga ngobrol sama nimas, temen sekelasku. Dia cewek yang tangguh, menurtku. Pengalaman nya di waktu kecil membuatnya jadi wanita yang tegar. Dia suka berdiskusi dan ngobrol tentang politik, filsafat, buku, sastra, dll. Kemaren Q maen ke kosnya. Kita ngobrol macem2. mulai dari masalah kuliah sampe masalah perkembangan diri selama kuliah. Kita juga ngobrol tentang masa depan, feminisme, agama, dll. Banyak ide2nya yang cemerlang membuat ku bersemangat untuk belajar lagi.
Terus, Q ngobrol sama Huda, mantan pimred nuansa kabar. Ternyata dia juga orang yang aktif dan rajin. Dia memandang masalah dari sisi yang positif. Dia mencoba mengambil hikmah dan manfaat dari setiap masalah. Contohnya pas bikin nuansa kabar kesulitan nyari layouter, otomatis dia sebagi pimred, dia harus responsible donk tentang penerbitan nuansa kabar. Dia jadi belajar layout secara otodidak. Akhirnya sekarang dia bisa menghisap madu dari racun yang terdahulu. Sekarang dia dapat job untuk layout sebuah majalah pariwisata. Keren…menurutQ.
Trus…what about me??? What I have done selama ini??? Duh…Q terlalu lama besenang2 hingga Q ngerasa ketinggalan.
Memang semester ini, Q Cuma sibuk urusan kuliah, sibuk ngerjain tugas dosen, belajar buat mid semester. Itu doank!!! Kadang klo lagi pusing, pas weekend, Q minjem vcd di rental dan Q nonton. Atau nggak Q baca buku. Trus what anything else I do???
Kemaren2 Q sibuk ngoordinir temen2 yang laen untuk nyusun buletin KPM edisi perdana. Q jadi coordinator divisi media dan informasi, so bikin buletin jd tugasQ. Trus, Q bikin beberapa artikel. Karena dah lama nggak nulis di nuansa kabar, rasanya agak susah untuk nulis lagi, jadi Q butuh waktu lama untuk nulis 1 artikel. Thanks God, akhirnya Q bisa ngerjain 5 artikel.sebenarnya Q ga mau ngehandle semua artikel, tapi gimana lag, temen2Q pada ga mau, dan akhirnya terpaksa Q harus handle it by self. Q sih ngambil sisi positifnya aja, klo sekarang Q berperan aktif dibalik pembuatran buletin, Q bakalan dapat pengalaman yang lebih dibanding teman2 lain yang ga mau ikut ngurusin. Yah..susah 2 dahulu..bersenang2 kemudian.

13 des 2007

Today, I went to galleria mall 2 update my antivirus. Fortunately I had it. Then I went to my campus, but that was not my luck. There was no class; even I had 2 in hurry in the street. Then I joined mandarin drop in center. We met zhai lao shi, then she gave me, a mandarin character. We practiced speaking good mandarin. Until we got many things. When I joined south East Asia class, I could not learn goodly. My thinking goes everywhere. I could not concentrate fully to my study. I thought my feeling about my friendship. Whether it is my fault or not? Whether I am good friend to them or not? So, I am lack of consciousness in the afternoon, it was rainy. And unfortunately I brought my notebook, so I was so afraid of it. I scare if there is something wrong on it. Finally, I could arrive safely. Hmm….then I read newspaper, and then checked my files about Russia. I plan to make a short paper about Vladimir Putin’s policy toward Islamic community in Russia. But, I guess, I should do it later. I have something to do, namely making a monthly bulletin. That is so hard for me. I think that it burden me, coz I guess I have a big responsibility on it, namely how to make a good bulletin and publish it. It means that it include making an article, layout it and edit it, and last print it. It requires long process. hmm…it’s so heavy for me. But, I will try to do it.

11 des 07

Aduhh…Q blom bias istiqomah nulis di sini, kadang dah keburu capek ato lg dpat tugas seabrek. Hmm…actually, yesterday my mood was so bad, I had no spirit 2 run my life. I thought that I am the pity person in the world, who has nothing. I didn’t get anything. I lose my chance 2 be a announcer. I lost my chance 2 become a tutor, etc. I usually fail what I have done. So, I lose my confidence.
Besides, I also have a problem with my frenz. I think that nowadays, I am too sensitive. I realize my mistakes. Maybe, I often force my frenz, so they are afraid of me. I think that they are far away from me. We have different perspectives n we seem like, we can not be complete each other. I am so sad. Why I think we don’t know each other. I feel like I have no closed friend, I am alone. I have no friend that I can not tell story. Hmm….everthing is so useless. I don t know why, my friendship is mean les I s. Should I tell them what I am feeling, or I let it flows. And pretend nothing happen? I don’t know what should I do? I am confusing about it.
Oia, td Q ke baparda DIY buat wa2ncara, so Q pergi tanpa persiapan apa2, ya…jdnya asal nanya aja, nambah PD sih..hehehe sekalian nyelesaiin tugas PR. Trus, Q juga ikut kul bu NZZ, g nyangka juga yg dateng Cuma 4 org, so ibu na ngliatin Q terus, pas dia nanya2, ngarahnya ke Q, so dapet perhatian lebih gtu. Hm…tp, next week Q dpt jatah presentasi. Moga2 lancar yo…..

des, 6 2007

Aduh…dah lama bgt Q g nulis apa2 di sini, tapi mo gimana lg. kemaren2 lg g da waktu buat nulis,. Sebenarnya Q te2p nulis, tp bukan nulis blog, tp nulis paper. Abiz tgs paper Q bnyk bgt, so Q prioritize tgs kul dunk. Uh,,,,banyk cerita deh y terjadi selama Q g nulis. Yg terbaru nieh…Q lg apes bgt. Helm Q ilang diambil orang. Q doain smoga yg ngambil dpt karma hehehe…
Sebenarnya rada kecewa, masa Q kehilangan helm utk y ke2 kalinya. Model y sama lg. sama2 di kampus lg. duh…klo mang lg apes, mang g kemana sih…moga ja Q msh pny duit buat beli y baru lg. Amiin. Ywd lah…g usah diinget2 lagi, nanti malah bikin sakit hati. Mending ambil hikmahnya aja, besok2 helem masukin dlm jok. Inget!!!! Masukin dalam jok.
Trus, kmrn Q dipanggil tes wa2ncara, ternyata Q termasuk 60 orang yang beruntung untuk ikut tes wa2ncara, darii 300 pelamar. Tp Q g tau whether I will be lucky 4 the next time or not, coz bnyk pan untuk jadi seorang penyiar.
Q dah berusaha semampuku. Oh ia, besok sabtu Q da tes TOEFL yg ITP lagi, coz Q mo nyoba menglamar beasiswa, duh…moga2 ja, ya ini lo2s jg. Amin. Bnyk hal yg telah Q coba, dari mulai yg iseng2 sampe yg lu mayan gitu tingkatannya. Paling bulan januari, Q mulai nglamar, sebenarnya mo bulan lalu, tp blom rejekinya, coz Q blom tes TOEFL . kyaknya ceritanya sampe sini dlu deh, Q mo blajar east Asia soalnya.

Nov, 27 2007

I have not interviewed yet, I only have to try broadcast. They tested my voice, whether my voice is correct to their want. Actually, I was late, because I have to iron my clothes, I got also traffic jam. That made me so late. Ok, that’s fine. I just do my best. I say it carefully, but I’m not sure with the result. I just hope all of the best. If I’m lucky, I will get calling from the radio management. I don’t know when I will get it. Hopefully, it will come soon.
In the afternoon, I joined general seminar, titled new Zealand’s foreign policy on south pacific region. But, the main topic is not about foreign policy only, but it include in general condition of new Zealand as the country in pacific. Actually, Indonesia also includes in pacific countries, because some parts of Indonesia, namely Papua is including pacific region. The other countries are Oceania, Australia, and Hawaii Island, Palau Island.
Fortunately, i got the point of seminar. So, I can ask some question, but I made mistakes, unconsciously, I said international class, that’s the sensitive phrase in the international relations department. Oh…so sad, I forgot it, damn….
Then I realized my mistakes, but I can not correct it again. I think, that’s my bad experience happening to me, since I have studied in the international class. But, so forth…that’s the tragedy, hopefully, I will not happen again in the next time. In the other hand, I got braveness to ask in the public discussion, actually I am hesitant to ask questions, but I just raise my hand, and I ask. That’s good beginning for me. I need a process, to be confident to speak in front of people. That’s all for today, I would like to do my job.

Nov 23,07

Actually I want to tell a lot of moment in here, but I have no enough time to do it. Nothing special happened, but I discussed with my friend about friendship. I can learn it more. Then I came back to home, take a bath n iron some clothes. that my routine activities. Then after maghrib prayer, I did my English paper, I have finished the chapter 2, namely litelature review, nbut I need to edit it later. Perhaps tomorrow morning I will do it. Hopefully, I can make it better. Now, I’m watching TV. I need it for refreshing my mind. I really need, that’s all for today..

Nov 24,07
Today, I spend a lot of money. I buy new mouse, bread. I also pay some fee for parking, printing. Totally, I spend 90,000 IDR for a day. Hmm,,,,I guess I should be more economical for tomorrow. Hmmm…nothing special today, but I discuss with my fren about my future. He tells me what should I do if I would be a wife. He told me that I should be patient and rather ‘mengalah’ to my husband. I shuld realize my position in a household. I can not get an equal position with my husband. I should not to much ask same position with him. Actually , I never think about marriage but when he told me about it, I try to think it.
Then, he told me that perhaps my husband come from area around my hometown. Ohhh….i guess, I will get someone from far distance. But I don’t know, what will exactly happen to me. I hope good thing will come to me.

Nov 26, 07
Yesterday I went to AMPLAZ, in there I am on9 and update my antivir. So, I get sum benefit also. Just 4 washing my eyes. Actually, I would like to watch SOME Movie by borrowing in the rental. I want to refresh my mind. But, I don’t have enough h time to do it. I have a lot of thing to do. That makes me so tired. Today, I take my packet from travel agent. I think that my parents are so kind to me. They deliver some fruits to, and both of them are my favorit fruits. I also give some of them to my friends, they like it so much, until I give to my teacher. Hehehe. Oia, I give it also to my cousins. Now, there is still rambutan. Maybe tomorrow I will some to my friends.
I have important news, namely I get the radio presenter interview, I have it for tomorrow. I don’t know what should I do to face it, I only pray the best for me. I will do my best also; I guess that if it is the right job for me, I will take it. Hopefully, the best thing will come to me. Amiin……
Tomorrow, I report all of moments

Nov 22,07

Yesterday, I didn’t write anything. I was so tired. I have a mandarin class in the afternoon, until 5 o’clock. Automatically, I arrived at home in the 5 past 30 minutes..then, I ironed some clothes, n read newspaper until 8 o’clock. Actually, I wanted to do my English essay, but I really so tired. In the 9 o’clock, I watched my favorite’s movie in TV until 10 o’clock.
Today, I did a lot of things. OK! I would like to write in the simple present time, as if I’m doing them. Hehhee.
In the morning, I plan to wash my clothes, n I would like to visit my fren in hospital. Actually, I would, but I don’t have enough time to do it. I still have jobs to do. Then, I decide to cancel my visit. Please apologize me…Allah.

In the day, I tRy o do my English paper, I try to do the introduction, n fortunately I did it well, even I need much time. Ouch. I forgot to tell that I made application form to vacancy. I do hope that I can get that job, as broadcaster in one of radio station. I hope so.
Actually, I do realize my abilities, strength and weakness. I just want to try. It is better for me to try what kind of chance. So, I write until time is out, coz it was afternoon.
I take a bath n then iron my clothes. I watch TV n take a dinner. Hmmm…yuppy.
That is all for today. I hope that I can write regularly, coz I can explore all of my vocabularies in English. That’s good for me.

nov 20, 2007

Actually, I want to write a blog in my friendster, but it is usually in trouble. So, I think that it is better for me, to write it down all of my phenomena. Hehehe
Well, today, I have no class. My lecturers were all absent, that was so annoying.. I really want to study, but they are no came to the class. So, I’m only surfing to the internet to look for my sources in making my English research paper. Fortunately, I got many references.
Then in the afternoon, I ate with all of my classmates in the canteen while we are talking about Asia Pacific community or ASIC. It sounds little bit fun, but I think it is good for us to make any community to share our opinion and make any togetherness. Next Saturday, we will talk it later in deep analysis. Hehehe

Then, I joined KPM meeting, actually I was so lazy to join it. I had no attention on it, but I have no other choice. I got confuse, whether I join or not. Actually, I want only to glaze them, but coincidentally I join it. We discuss together what we will do for next time. What our plan is and other things that can we do together. Everything is gonna be all right. Until I back in the evening. Then I have to iron my aunt’s clothes. i try to continue my English paper. I’ll do it now!!!!


Nov 19,2007

Today, this is the first time I write something in new notebook. It is amazing 4 me to have it, coz I have dreamed it 4 along time. Actually, I bought it in Saturday, 17 nov 2007 I only checked it for sure. Then now, I’ll write something.
In the morning, I shake my glass, I don’t mind to do it. So, that is totally coincidentally. I aware it, when I heard the crash. But, I have no feeling about it. I do hope that everything will be all right and nothing happened to me. And, it would be.
In the day, I did something wrong, I were almost breaking my friend’s glass. Then I told my friend what was happened to me in the early morning. My friends just signed me to be carefully, coz maybe I would be bad sign for me.

In the afternoon, we were planning to go window shopping. I almost hit against other motor riders, but fortunately I was safe. Thank to my Lord, Allah, who always save me from any dangerous things. But, my other friend hit someone on the street. We were shocked to hear it; we really hoped that the bad condition will go soon.
I have to do something, I still have English paper needing o be done soon. Actually I am so lazy to do it, I have no spirit to think about it, so sometimes I delay it later on. I just try to put my ideas on this page. Hopefully, I can write it on for next time.
Keep smile, coz everything is going to be all right.

Minggu, 23 Desember 2007

edisi perdana

duh...akhirnya Q bikin blog baru lagi. entah berapa blog yg udah aQ bikin, tapi smuanya g tau kemana.
Q sering lupa password sih, jadi blog yang kemaren2 ga pernah ter up date lagi. smoga nie blog yang terakhir. Koq bisa lupa password ya??? apa Q memang pelupa?Aduh...payah!!!

hari ini, Q ada 2 kelas, tapi g tau apa kedua2 nya ada. coz dua2nya make up class. biz sering kosong, jadi diadain make up. tadi pagi, Q da tugas buat ngisi drop in center. lumayan buat nambah uang saku. plus pengalaman n new link n of course friends.

hari ini hari yang cerah, tapi tidak secerah hatiku (cieh...) g tau kenapa, pagi2 moodQ udah ilang. padahal jadwalQ hari ini lumayan padet, dari pagi sampe sore. tapi besok pagi libur. besok mo ngapain ya??? kemaren2 klo liburan Q minjem Vcd di rental. masa' liburan kali ini nonton lagi?!
mo jalan2, tapi sekarang lagi tanggal tua. banyak pengeluaran yang mesti aQ bayar, meski harus merogoh tabunganQ. hiks...
mulai dari bayar jaket kelas, beli helm baru, coz yang kemarin ilang dicuri orang, terus beli flashdisk baru, yang kemaren udah g bisa dipake lagi, bayar iuran mandarin camp. knapa akhir tahun, Q malah jadi 'kere' ya???

moga ja tahun depan, jadi tahun yang berkah buat aQ. Amiien....